

If you have unwanted fat deposits you cannot get ride of even with diet and excercise

Give your body the shape you want!

  • Comfortable treatment
  • Homogeneous fat reduction throughout the entire targeted treatment area – no irregularities
  • No bruising, swelling or downtime with focused ultrasound
  • Safe, simple “walk in, walk-out” Procedure
  • Long-Lasting measurable results within just a few weeks

The All NEW UltraShape

Redefines Focused Ultrasound

The New Gold Standard in Non-invasive

Fat Reduction & Body Contouring

The new UltraShape Contour I Ver3 multi-application platform launched in early 2010 features an advanced focused ultrasound technology and RFVac™ vacuum-assisted radio frequency. These two complementary energy-based technologies enable us to offer more non-invasive fat reduction with tissue and skin tightening in a single body contouring procedure.

The Procedure
The UltraShape procedure delivers a safe and effective non-invasive comfortable option for the reduction of localized fat deposits and smooth, uniform body shaping with high patient satisfaction. Both men and women experience impressive long-lasting body contouring of the abdomen, thighs and flanks.

Thermage CPT

Thermage treatments are a proven solution for non-invasive wrinkle treatments

How To Tighten and Contour Skin

Thermage is a safe, clinically proven way to tighten and contour skin, with visible improvements in tone, contour, and texture occurring naturally through the stimulation of your own collagen.

Thermage is completely non-invasive: no surgery, no injections!

A single treatment tightens your existing collagen and stimulates new collagen growth. Improvements are both immediately visible and continue up to six months. Results can last for years depending on your skin condition and aging process.

The Thermage procedure is available only in the offices of qualified physicians who specialize in cosmetic procedures.

The procedure itself is done as a single treatment that takes from one to two hours depending on the treatment area. What’s more, there is no downtime, so you can quickly resume your normal routine.

Unlike lasers, Thermage works on all skin types and tones. And unlike injections or fillers, Thermage works on your entire face: forehead, eyes, nasalabial folds, jaw line, jowls and the area under your chin.

How Does Thermage Work?

Thermage sends radiofrequency (RF) technology to safely heat the deep layers of your skin, while cooling the surface of your skin to keep it intact during the procedure.

This deep heating stimulates your body’s natural skin renewal process, which helps tighten existing collagen and form new collagen. Over time, sagging or wrinkled skin is replaced with smoother, tighter skin; improved tone and texture; and an overall younger looking appearance.

Thermage for Face

Do you find that you no longer look as young as you feel? If the mirror doesn’t reflect the way you feel on the inside, now there’s a way to turn back the clock. With Thermage CPT™ many patients have seen smoother, tighter skin with less sagging, redefined contours of the jawline and neck and softening of wrinkles around the eyes, mouth and forehead. Unlike lasers, the Thermage CPT™ Face procedure works on all skin types and colours.

Thermage for Body

Tummies, knees, legs and arms are areas that can show signs of aging. The Thermage CPT™ skin tightening treatments are designed specifically to help smooth and tighten wrinkled, crepey and sagging skin on these body areas. Many patients have seen flatter, smoother skin on the tummy, legs, knees, buttocks or arms, tightening, firming and lifting, reduction of crepey skin and smoothed dimples for temporary improvement in the appearance of cellulite.

Thermage CPT™ skin tightening treatments are a singular treatment with no downtime and results that continue to increase over a 6month period and last for 2-3 years.

The CPT™(Comfort Pulse Technology) provides more results and increased comfort all in a shorter period of time, as compared to the former Thermage technology. In Clinical studies, 100% of patients preferred being treated with the ThermageCPT™ system versus treatments with prior technologies. With this treatment, everyone can expect to some collagen tightening.

Thermage for Tummy

Uncover a tighter tummy.
Tummies, knees, legs and arms are areas that can show signs of aging. The Thermage™ treatments are designed specifically to help smooth and tighten wrinkled, crepey and sagging skin on these body areas. Many patients have seen flatter, smoother skin on the tummy, legs, knees, buttocks or arms, tightening, firming and lifting, reduction of crepey skin and smoothed dimples for temporary improvement in the appearance of cellulite.

Thermage for Eyes

Eyes by thermage is the only procedure that smooths and tightens skin, decreases wrinkles and hooding in the eye area without surgery, injections or downtime.

ThermageCPT™ delivers gentle but noticeable skin lift and tightening which provides a simple robust solution for thousands of people seeking a safe way to tighten sagging skin without surgery. Many Clients have seen younger, more lifted eyes where the eyes look brighter, smoother eyelid skin where make up can be applied easier, softened fine lines and crow’s feet and reduced hooding with tauter, smoother contours around the eye.


Microdermabrasion (Silk Peel – Dermal Infusion)

Microdermabrasion (Silk Peel – Dermal Infusion) – a much gentler procedure than its name sounds…

This process actually is a simple, straight forward, non-invasive procedure that revitalizes dull skin, reduces large pores, minimizes fine lines and wrinkles, reduces acne scars and mild pigment irregularities (hyperpigmentation), and can make a substantial difference in reducing age spots.

No damage occurs to your skin because the process only takes away your dead cells and the live tissue underneath is left untouched.

Unlike dermabrasion or laser skin resurfacing, Microdermabrasion takes no more than 30 minutes.

It is equally effective to other skin treatments (on superficial imperfections) and, most importantly, it allows you to get back to your daily routine immediately after treatment.

Redness Disappears within 24 hours

If you’re not a person to take risks lightly, micro abrasion is the safest rejuvenation procedure because it’s the least invasive. Following a Microdermabrasion session the skin will typically feel immediately smoother – a bit sensitive and slightly red, however that goes away in a few hours.

Regular removal of the keratin layer (dead cells on the surface) can improve the appearance of:

  • Brown spots
  • Shallow acne scars
  • Hyperpigmentation (melasma)
  • Sun-damaged skin
  • Dull or aging skin
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Uneven skin tone and texture

So if you plan to have smoother, non-invasive procedure, do this at least 1 week prior to your special event. And you get to feel and look your best!.

Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal

Learn about Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is a more effective solution. The High Speed LightSheer DUET uses state of the art diode lasers with vacuum-assist technology to remove un wanted hair and with greater speed and comfort than other methods

LightSheer Diode Laser

LightSheer’s Diode Laser is the state-of-the-art system is specifically designed to remove unwanted hair faster, with less discomfort and more reliability than other methods. Find out more by clicking here.

CoolGlide 1064nm ND:Yag

Now men and women alike are making unwanted facial and body hair a thing of the past – thanks to the Cutera CoolGlide Laser. No more painful waxing, electrolysis or razors! Find out more about this simple process here.

Prowave 770 (Intense Pulse Light)

The ProWave hair removal system delivers a specially tailored light source for permanent hair reduction. Cutera’s newest hair removal innovation provides treatment for a wide range of skin types. An additional patient benefit is the ability of the handpiece to treat large areas such as women’s legs and men’s backs – quickly and safely. For details click here.

How do I know what technology is best for me?

All 3 methods have advantages depending on your skin type, hair color, or if you regularly tan. One of our certified technicians would be happy to let you know what would be the best technique for you at your free consultations.

How many treatments will I need?

The average amount of treatments is 4- 6, depending on the area of the body and the type of hair you have. Remember Laser hair removal does NOT work on Blonde, Grey, red of White hair.

Is it Permanent?

Yes The Hair Removal is Permanent hair Reduction, the hair we treat will not grown back and you can expect a 75% to 95% reduction after the 4-6 treatments.

What does it feel like?

Patient will feel a series of short snaps, somewhat like a rubber band snapping. Certain area’s you will have more discomfort then others. When you come in for your free consultation, the laser technician would be able to let you know if the area you would like treated is one we recommend topical anesthetic for.

Do I need to grow my hair out before coming in for treatment?

No! In fact we ask that you have the area Shaved the day or the day before since the treatment is targeting the hair follicle itself – not just the hair. Please remember no tweezing, waxing or hair removal creams for 4 weeks prior to your first treatment only shaving.

What’s the best way to get rid of unwanted hair?

Laser hair removal can be performed on virtually on any hair bearing part of your body including your arms, underarms, legs, bikini area, back, face, upper lip, neck, chest, abdomen and bikini line. You are familiar with the common treatments such as plucking, shaving, waxing and chemical epilation. These of course, are temporary fixes. That hair grows back quickly and some even swear that the hair grows in heavier and thicker!

Is laser hair removal painful?

The laser beam is not the discomfort. There is some pain because the individual hair follicle is surrounded by nerve endings. And it’s the nerve endings that cause the discomfort. While some of you may be able to tolerate the procedure without the use of an anaesthetic, others may find the application of an anaesthetic cream (such as EMLA) helpful. A generous layer of anaesthetic cream is applied for 60 minutes before the procedure and can provide adequate relief from discomfort during the procedure.

Botox For Hyperhidrosis


What is Hyperhidrosis?

Excessive sweating, known under its medical term Hyperhidrosis (HH), is a topic which is rarely thought about. It is an embarrassing condition for many people and sometimes even disabling and could easily ruin one’s social and professional life. A long time neglected subject in the medical literature, it is starting to gain awareness among the Health Professionals as well as the public thanks to the discovery of Botulinum toxin A which came as a breakthrough in the treatment of HH. Visit for more information

Call Laser Sheer to book a complementary consultation

Chemical Peels

Chemical Peels

Laser Sheer offer’s two different types of Peels: The Vivier Peel and the Jessner Peel

Ranging from a mild solution to a deep-cleansing one, chemicals peels can improve sun damage,

  • acne
  • fine lines
  • wrinkles
  • pore-size
  • the texture of your skin.

The procedure of a chemical peel actually dates back all the way to the Egyptians, who used a solution to help achieve smoother, more beautiful skin.

In this day-in-age chemical peels are popular because they offer almost immediate results and can be preformed with a fair amount of ease under the direction of a licensed technician.

A chemical peel is a slightly acidic solution designed to remove the damaged outer layer of dead, dry skin to reveal the young and healthy skin underneath. It is a proven and effective treatment for facial blemishes and uneven skin pigmentation.

Laser Sheer offers, glycolic, salicylic and lactic Acid peels. All chemical peels are topped
with a Retin A